She’s Perfectly Wicked
The #4 Yorkie 2019

BISS, Group Placing GCHS CH Rosemark’s Wicked
GCHG CH, Can CH Rigair Unique Leo ROM x CH Rosemark’s Virtue ROM
- #1 Yorkie Bitch
- #4 Yorkie 2019 Breed Rankings
- Westminster Invitee
Wicked is what happens when you breed the 2018 top sire to the 2018 top dam. This litter has produced another Grand Champion and a third Champion. We knew Wicked was special and were presently surprised by her 2018 Best of Breed win at the BYTC specialty held during the roving specialty. She continues to excel in her first year as a special and we are looking forward to 2020. Wicked has been presently fabulously by the team of Tonia Holibaugh and Edgar Cruz Guevera.